SCARM v. 1.9.4 Released

The new SCARM version 1.9.4 is ready! Download it form

The most important added and/or improved features and updates are listed below.

Added and improved features:
- Improved feature for providing information about possible wrong track joins (only in certain libraries)

New track libraries:
- Atlas N TrueTrack C65 with Gray roadbed
- Trix N Minitrix Beton (concrete sleepers)
- USA Trains G Brass tracks (1/29)
- Walthers HO C70

Updated libraries:
- Atlas N TrueTrack C65 with Tan roadbed
- Kato HO Unitrack
- Kato N Unitrack
- Lenz O
- Peco OO C100
- Lionel O Fastrack
- Walthers HO C83
- Walthers HO C100
- Weinert H0 MeinGleis

Updated translations:
Brazilian Portuguese

- Fixed bug which previously enabled simultaneous performing of [Key] and [Alt+Key] functions for a same key combination
- Various small bugfixes and improvements

If “Check for Updates” feature in older releases reports that there is no newer version of SCARM, download the installer directly from the website. The old release info file may be cached on your PC and it may need some time to expire. If the website also shows older version, press F5 key to refresh it.

This is a minor update to the previous version which includes several new and updated track libraries, updated language translations and some minor improvements and bugfixes.

Notice for the users of old 1.x.x versions prior to v. 1.9.4

Please, upgrade your previous 1.x.x versions of SCARM to the latest v. 1.9.4 in order to get all new features and apply the last bugfixes. The old unregistered versions prior to v. 1.9.4 will be discontinued and no longer supported.

Get SCARM from
Official SCARM Download Location

Buy SCARM license key from
SCARM Webshop
(if you already have SCARM License Key, this update is free for you)

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See also
Resolving SCARM Installation Issues

10 thoughts on “SCARM v. 1.9.4 Released

  1. Hello, great tool you have done.

    Do you consider display a height information when pointer is above a track ? Like it is in the bottom left corner of the UI close to the X and Y pointer coordinates maybe ?

    I build a layout and print it. I have to split railtrack to find the modulo 5mm because I use foam that is 5mm thick and glue them. To split is always a guess and try/error process. With the height display somewhere in the UI, it won’t be a guess.

    Anyway great tool.

  2. Any chance of getting Fast Tracks curved turnout 36/24 and 24/18 or a work around to make a layout using them.
    Better yet a way to add custom tracks.

  3. Hello Jim,
    When I last checked Fast Tracks website a couple of years ago, there were no dimensional data about the curved turnouts in regard to exact angle/radius of each leg as well as pre/post offsets. If you have more data, let me know and I will check that again.
    The workaround is just to use two flexes for each leg in the place where you want these turnouts to be located on your track plan. By use of flexes, you can represent any kind of track or turnout with the only drawback that such track plan cannot be used with for model train simulations in SCARM (because not all joins will be obtained).

  4. Milen
    There is Both Detailed Specifications and a PDF Template on the web site. including Diverging Angle and the Radius of both Legs Granted there are a lot of potential options.(77 in HO alone)
    The two flexis is my current Solution.(Hard to move around and modify)
    Your comment about Train Simulator gave me a idea that may be a new feature.
    Using the tool Box “Flex-Tracks Curved Turnout modeling” Feature :)
    R1: 36″ R2: 24″ A: 10 (Negative R1,R2 give left hand)
    this would produce the track and the connection points which you could apply to the switch object allowing itto work with the train simulator.
    Second feature (I have requested before) then have the ability to save the track section in personal favorite list so you can reproduce quickly.
    PS as always totaly willing to Beta test this or any thing else for you.

  5. Hi Jim,
    I am afraid, that it is not so simple. These curved turnouts are not with exactly curved legs – the leading part is straight and the curvature is with varying radius. It is hard they to be represented correctly in the software (difficult, but not impossible) and that’s why I will need more time to work over them.
    Same is valid for the tracks and turnouts modeling feature – while it may look easy to be developed, it actually needs to handle various non-standard geometries and that requires A LOT of codding. So, such feature will not come fast, at least not in the near future.

  6. I purchased the upgrade but when I select License Activation and Installation I get a compatibility error

    “XUL Runner
    Error: Platform version ’121.0′ is not compatible with miniversion >= 120.01
    maxversion <=120.01

  7. Hello Lynn,
    XULRunner is part of Firefox, so if it gives you an error, there is a problem with your Firefox browser.
    In order to solve that, please, download and (re)install the latest version of Firefox, or install another browser i.e. Chrome or Edge, make it default for the system and try again.

  8. are there plans to implement the märklin sliding bridge and the new turntable in the program?

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