Placing Track Supports Under Long Flex Tracks

SCARM automatically places track supports under all tracks with level above the ground, where the tracks are joining each other. However, when working with flex tracks, it is possible that a given piece is used i.e. as a bridge and shaped in its full length.

Lets see one example of a long flex track, placed as a bridge in SCARM.

As seen on the 3D image, the bridge does not look realistic and if you try to create such route on the real layout, you will probably encounter a problems. Fortunately, correcting of the problem in SCARM is very easy. Select the bridge (the flex track) and right click over the place on it, where you want to put a track support. Select “Split” from the context menu – this will split the flex track into two pieces and SCARM will automatically raise one solid support below the join. Here is the same bridge with the flex track divided on 3 parts and with supports below the joins.

Now the bridge is looking much better and can also be constructed in the same way on a real layout. This approach can be used on all flex tracks and roads in SCARM, where more track/road supports are needed on the plan.

See also
How to work with flex-tracks
How to set track supports

2 thoughts on “Placing Track Supports Under Long Flex Tracks

  1. This is a very nice straightforward solution for making realistic bridges and approach curves. In some instances, however, one needs to remove the track supports, and the “remove” command works well with all track, including flex track, but I can’t seem to remove the pedestal support in some track items such as the Kato N-turntable – #20-283. Is there some special trick for removing track supports from such components?

  2. There is no way to remove the solid cylinder under a turntable in the current version of SCARM. But I will consider this and will try to include such option in some of the next versions of the program.

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