Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller


SCARM means Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller – software for easy and precise design of model train layouts and railroad track plans.

With SCARM you can easily create the layout of your dreams. Just download the setup package, install it and start editing your first track plan.

In SCARM you can use unlimited number* of tracks and objects from more than 245 libraries and instantly see your design in 3D preview with a single click.

And don't forget: Enjoy the hobby and have fun with the model trains

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* Only in the licensed version


Recently discovered SCARM and it is extremely quick and easy to use. I did search help videos on YouTube when I got stuck. But for this software you can't go wrong. Thanks to it's creator - well done.

LocoLaurie @

I really enjoy working with SCARM - it's an easy to learn, but powerful tool. Thanks for a great program!

Ulrich Abramowski @


SCARM 1.9.6 Multilingual  3.82 MB from 12 Oct 2024

System requirements:   Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
OpenGL compatible graphics
Installation type:   Standalone installer
License:   Freeware (limited)

After installing, start the program and select your preferred language from "View" > "Language" menu.

If you are upgrading from a previous beta version, please, read the article Everything About The Transition to SCARM 1.0.0.


What you can do with SCARM software?

  • You can create complex railroad layouts with many train stations on virtually unlimited area
  • You can shape flex-tracks easily, intuitively and most important – in very realistic way
  • You can deploy your layout on more than one level, with different heights and slopes for chosen sections of the track route
  • You can place tunnels and bridges on the track plan
  • You can draw figures to create buildings of train stations, houses, industries, etc. together with all needed roads and infrastructure
  • You can use semaphores and color light signals to create the signalling in the layout track route
  • You can see a 3D view of your layout - just select "3D" button from the toolbar and review your design from all sides and angles
  • You can measure distances and check track sections' lengths using the "Tools" menu
  • You can export and/or print your layout and share it with other model train fans and enthusiasts
  • You can view and print a list with the track pieces needed and even use it as a shopping list
  • You can extend the functionality of the main program with various extensions like the Model Trains Simulator
  • You can share your ideas with the author, request new features and report bugs and errors, if you find any

Included Track Libraries

The current version of SCARM software supports more than 245 track and object libraries.*

* Some of the libraries are not fully completed. Data accuracy is not guaranteed. More libraries will come soon.

Information, Tutorials & Resources

The SCARM Blog is your ultimate source for updated information about the program. It contains many useful articles and resources about SCARM.

The blog contains the following categories:

Do not miss the video tutorials about SCARM created by Ruud Boer and J. B. aka Gilshrat.

If you are looking for examples and projects designed in SCARM software, go to the special Layouts & Track Plans website and search by scale, size, track system and more.

Join us on the social sites, share your comments and stay up-to-date with all news and events, related to SCARM software.





Useful Links

Check out these links to other model train related sites and resources.

  • ANKA - Hearing aids, blood glucose & lactate meters, speech devices & cannulas, service and consumables

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