Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller

HomeKnown Issues

List with known issues

  • Possible problems on multi-monitor configurations

    Problem When SCARM is started in multi-monitor system configuration, the main window may not appear on the current monitor, the context menus may appear at unexpected positions and/or some functions and features may not work correctly (or not work at all) on the secondary display(s).

    Possible workaround For now, always run SCARM on the main (primary) display in order to make it working correctly.

  • Possible errors when printing with Microsoft Print to PDF on Windows 10

    Problem When Microsoft Print to PDF is selected in SCARM as printer on Windows 10 and when the printing properties are changed, SCARM shows an error message, saying “Cannot set printer driver properties” and then hangs on. The only way for closing SCARM after that is by end its process from Task Manager.

    Possible workaround If you want to change the properties of Microsoft Print to PDF, do that outside SCARM, by selecting the printer in "Printers and Scanners" page of Windows or from "Devices and Printers" applet in the Control Panel. After applying the changes there, just print what you want from SCARM, without opening printer's properties in it.

    Possible workaround Use another PDF printer driver, different from Microsoft Print to PDF.

If your problem is not listed above, check for recently reported bugs or issues and solutions for them in the blog from the link below.

See also

Problems & Solutions

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