Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller

ホームSCARM について


SCARM means Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller and is a special CAD software for easy, precise and accurate design of model railroad layouts and railway track plans.

It has lightweight and intuitive user interface, powerful 2D Editor, instant 3D Viewer, realistic Model Trains Simulator extension and many other useful functions and features.

The wide range of built-in track libraries in SCARM covers all major track producers that are on the model trains market now. The software also has many obsolete track systems of former manufacturers that are still in use.

The various useful tools in SCARM allows you to easily plan with sectional and flex-tracks on virtually unlimited area, to set heights and slopes in the track routes, to place tunnels and bridges, to use predefined or create your own virtual buildings and structures, to add text labels and descriptions, to see your design in 3D with a single click, to print and export the track plan and 3D snapshots and also to list all included parts as a ready-to-use shopping list.

When your layout design is ready, you can test it with the Model Trains Simulator extension of SCARM and to check how it will be operated in the reality before even purchasing and laying of a single track.

Not sure if SCARM is right for you? Just download it and try it - it's free to test it as long as you wish! And if you like it, buy a license to unlock the full potential and to use all advanced settings and features in order to create the layout of your dreams!

SCARM is created, developed and maintained by Milen Peev. More info about the software and its developer can be found in SCARM Blog.

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© 2010-2025 by Milen Peev. All rights reserved. Use at your own risk!
All mentioned brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Japanese translation by TodaProduction.