Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller

HomeLibrary information

Containers Different colors

Scale: Any
Author: Milen Peev
File name: obj_Containers.lib
Last updated: 30 Dec 2017

 Generic scalable library
 Requires download

Download: obj_Containers.scpem (929 KB)

In order to install the library in SCARM, download the above file and open it either directly in the browser or with double-click on it after saving in your PC. After installation, restart the program and search for the new library in the "Objects" sub-menu of the libraries drop-down list.

The virtual containers in the library are shown below:

The containers may be stacked one over another. To do that, place the first container and select it, ensuring that it is the only selected object on the plan. Now click over the next container sign in the selection panel that you want to be placed over the first one. In that way, you can add as many containers in a stack as you wish, but note that in the reality, there are no more than 9 containers one over another as the lowest one need to carry and support the height of all that are above it.

Below you can see how looks a stack of several containers one over another:

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